“I will sing unto the Lord as long as I live:
I will sing praise to my God while I have my being.” Psalm 104:33

Released March 2023
Decades ago, I fell in love with a preacher’s daughter and married her August 15, 1987. Jeanne and I dreamed and prayed that all of our children would get saved, get to know the Lord, marry godly mates and serve Christ together with their lives. Miraculously, God has brought it all to pass! Oh, what a thrill to see our 15 grandchildren being raised for our Saviour. 36 years ago I wrote the song “Only You” for Jeanne, and sang it to her at our wedding. Our 4 children wrote songs for their mates as well, and on this album we share them with you. As Christians, we, more than anyone on earth, have something to sing about when it comes to the love our God has given us in our marriages. We pray that these songs are used to remind us all how precious it is to love and to be loved!

Released March 2022
Mrs. Nichols and I both grew up in pastors’ homes surrounded by gospel music. Neither of us knew what a precious gift that was until we were married and began raising our own family. I made my first recording 30 years ago, in 1992, at Faith Music Missions. Shortly after that, I became ill and our lives changed dramatically. I’ve spent much of these past years bedridden, battling illness, in a wheelchair, and in and out of hospitals and clinics.
Over the years, the Lord began to give me songs, and as my family and I recorded them, they gave us healing and strength. As a family, now including 4 in-law children and 12 grandchildren with 3 more on the way, God has used our music to keep us on course and to face our trials with joy as we trust in our Saviour.
God is always good, and He has proven that over and over to us. Consequently, whether on the mountaintop or in the valley, the theme of The Nichols Family has been and will remain, “I’VE STILL GOT A SONG!”

Released September 2021
In 2013, my sister's life was changed forever when her health suddenly declined. From losing the ability to walk to many other obstacles, I have watched my sister remain faithful to the Lord through it all. She has claimed
"God Will Make This Trial a Blessing" for her life. She continues to have a smile that can brighten any room and bring joy to people around her. She is my best friend and there is no one like her. She is really one of a kind.
This album is dedicated to the best sister I could have ever asked for. I love you, April!